Wednesday 4 March 2015

My Hair Over The Years hair changed drastically over the span of..about 7 years I think ? So I'll just quickly go over the timeline.. :) .
Ok so this is a long time ago, 2008ish. I had a mass of a natural ash-brown hair and I had no idea how to style it so I mostly just let it hang there lol. My sister often made hair wraps for me, as seen in the photo.

2008 - long natural hair
I think it was in 2009/2010 I finally agreed to cut most of my hair of, and since then I always sported a shoulder-length (at max) chunky bob with bangs. I still never dyed my hair but I think it's around this time I started to want to go turquoise. I've had this haircut for the most of my life and am now growing my hair after so long !

2009/2010 - natural shoulder-length bob
It was when I started going to high school that I decided to dye my hair for the first time. I chose red and stuck with it for about a year and a half. It went well with my hazel/green eyes.

2011 - finally dyed red
In 2012 I decided to go turquoise. I was so stoked when I ordered the hair dye online and couldn't wait to try it out! But first, of course, the awkward bleached phase...haham.
2012 - bleached
When the hair dye finally arrived I wanted to make sure I'll like the colour on my hair, so I looked like this for a while:

2012 - weird turquoise bangs
Then, when I finally dyed my whole hair turquoise, I stuck with that for a long long time, with some minor changes and details:

cca 2013

Moving on, when I got bored of the signature turquoise I decided to throw some plum purple in the mix but it accidentally turned out super blue! And it looked kinda good:

faded plum+turquoise

More recently I decided to move on to lavander, pinkish, purpleish, more faded pastel tones and I dig this look a lot:

Which brings me to January 2015, I dyed my hair dark tulip+plum, which is my personal favourite up until now ! Vibrant and real nice:

And a few days ago, a faded version of the above....

And that's all..until next time :) .

Sunday 1 March 2015

An Introduction?

Well, here I am, sitting in my room - a typical Sunday afternoon. My mattress's slowly but surely conforming to the shape of my butt. I accidentally missed the ashtray and got ashes all over my laptop's keyboard. Again. Ah well. The weather's awful, as per usual, and I have to get up and go to the store to surprise my boyfriend with a cake when he gets back from work. I have to! But I'm feeling this symbiotic bond between me and the bed, I'm 83% sure I've started melting into it, and as I write it down it doesn't sound so bad, does it? Ah, it probably does. Anyway, this all brings me to this idea - why not write everything down? I know there's nothing special happening but who cares I've seen so much pointless blogs, I guess another one won't do anyone any harm.
the symbiosis

So, anyway, that's me. A 19-year-old couch potato studying to be an event manager. One day. Hopefully. Maybe. I wanted to start this off by saying what I'll be blogging about, but unfortunately, I have no idea whatsoever. I guess, whatever's on my mind at the moment. It can be pretty therapeutic to share your thoughts on the Internet, no? We'll see. I write, draw, cook, change my hair's colour more often than I probably should, find interesting articles, write movie/music reviews etc those are just a few things you can expect to see here in the future. I hope to meet interesting people, share everyday stories and just have fun basically. I'll try to keep my post short and interesting, I promise! Ok, so i'll end with a comic I made the other day -

that's all folks...until next time!